Did you know the average pack of cigarettes will now set you back a cool £14.47? That works out to £57.88 monthly, and an eye-watering £694.56 a year – if you just have a 1 pack-a-week habit, that is. Are your pockets hurting yet? If the saving on monetary costs isn’t enough to convince you
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Protect your smile and your health this National Smile Month
When it comes to looking after the health of your mouth, you can do more than brushing your teeth to ensure your smile is protected. Smoking can have a huge impact on your mouth health, and can lead to gum disease or mouth cancer if not actioned.The nicotine and tar found in cigarettes can cause
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Try a meat free meal during National Vegetarian Week
With costs spiralling, a great way to save money is to try a meat free meal, and what better time than during National Vegetarian Week. Meat free meals are less expensive, packed with veggies and protein and will wow your taste buds without denting your wallet. If you are trying a veggie meal for the
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Everyone Health says… #WalkthisMay Staff Challenge
National Walking Month has officially landed, and we couldn’t think of a better way to mark it with our very own Everyone Health says… #WalkThisMay VIRTUAL walking challenge. If you’re in the EH team and one to always hit your daily steps and close your rings, this is the challenge for them (and quite frankly,
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Everyone Health is excited to announce that we have been invited to showcase our work at the forthcoming 9th European Conference on Tobacco or Health (ECToH) in Madrid, from 26th to 28th April 2023. The conference is being hosted by the Spanish Association Against Cancer and the Spanish Committee on Tobacco Prevention. Attendees from across
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Happy Vaisakhi
Celebrated on the 14th April, Vaisakhi is a festival which celebrates the founding of the Sikh community, the Khalsa, in 1699 and the beginning of the harvest season. The celebrations at Vaisakhi include processions and parades led by five of the Khalsa through the streets called Nagar Kirtans, which involve music, singing and readings of
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Are you Getting the 6 Different Types of Rest?
Here at Everyone Health, we are huge advocates for never skipping a ‘rest day’. Rest is crucial for a well-balanced healthy lifestyle, and even more important if you’re trying to make some changes to your current lifestyle. For example, if weight-loss is your goal, then you certainly don’t want to be getting less than the
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Chag Pesach Sameach
The 5th April marks the beginning of Passover or Pesach, one of the most important festivals in Judaism. Passover, gets its name from when the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt and God unleashed 10 plagues on Egypt. The 10th plague was the death of every firstborn son. God told Moses to tell the Israelites to
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Do you comfort eat?
This month is stress awareness month and a common way to help relieve stress is to eat. Sometimes called comfort eating or emotional eating it’s something we are all guilty of at times. Every Hollywood movie ever sees our heroine reaching for a bucket of ice cream the moment she faces a stressful situation. What
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Happy Easter
This year the 9th April marks Easter Sunday, the date in the Christian calendar when Jesus rose from the dead following his crucifixion 3 days earlier. Good Friday, the day of the crucifixion and Easter Monday are national holidays when most people are off work. Easter eggs have also become synonymous with Easter, an egg
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