We work in partnership with the Tier 2 Weight Management Service led by Guy’s and St Thomas. This weight management service is for Southwark patients consisting of 12-week online OR face-to-face video group support. There are structured physical activity and nutritional education group sessions as well as behaviour change techniques. This programme is for patients who are motivated to change their lifestyle and can commit to regular attendance at the sessions.
What is included?
This programme is about managing your weight steadily. The goal is to understand how different factors in your life interconnect and influence your weight, rather than dieting alone. We call this a holistic approach, and it takes into account nutrition, behaviour change, psychology, and physical activity.
Who is eligible?
Who is eligible?
Inclusion criteria:
- Registered with a GP in Southwark
- Aged 18 or over
- BMI ≥30
- Safe to exercise as deemed by GP
Exclusion criteria:
- Pregnant
- Those receiving palliative or end of life care
- Those who have previously participated in a Tier 2 programme but not completed
Contact the Healthy Lifestyle Hub now on 0333 005 0159 or email [email protected] and a specialist advisor will call you back within 3 days.

Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme
Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme is part of the national programme which is expected to provide support to 100,000 individuals each year.
Those referred to the service will receive tailored, personalised support to reduce their risk of Type 2 diabetes including education on healthy eating and lifestyle, help to lose weight and physical exercise programmes, all of which together have been proven to reduce the risk of developing the disease.
You are eligible for your local NHS Healthier You service if you meet the following criteria:
- Aged 18 years and over
- Registered with a GP practice in one of our delivery areas
- Have high glucose levels
- Not pregnant
- Able to take part in light/ moderate physical activity
How to join
If you have been told you are at risk of diabetes and meet the criteria, you can access your local Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme service in the following ways:
- A referral from your GP or nurse
- A referral from a Health Check professional
For more information follow the link

We work in partnership with Talking Therapies Southwark (TTS). TTS offers psychological treatments for people aged 16 and over with common mental health symptoms such as depression and anxiety.
What does TTS offer?
What does TTS offer?
- Specialist online groups and workshops covering a range of topics related to psychological wellbeing, such as coping well during the pandemic, bereavement, LGBQ, ethnic minority empowerment, and weight management. These 5 programmes are run on a regular basis.
- CBT guided self-help – a course of 4-6 sessions for patients with clear presentations of mild to moderate depression, panic, generalised anxiety or stress.
- Your wellbeing videos – a series of psycho-educational videos developed by TTS therapists, which can be accessed via the TTS website. Topics include sleep, physical activity, healthy relationships, and anger.
- Bibliotherapy – self-study using books on prescription or other suitable printed or online resources.
- Evidence based computerised CBT with e-mail/telephone support from a therapist
People can usually access one of the above interventions within 1-6 weeks of their assessment appointment. If someone continues to experience symptoms after engaging with one of the above treatments TTS can offer a higher intensity intervention.
People with long-term physical health conditions:
People with long-term physical health conditions:
In addition to the treatments mentioned above TTS also offer the following for people with physical health conditions:
- Guided self-help/online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for specific LTCs (such as diabetes, COPD) with regular support from a therapist.
- Specialist CBT interventions to promote coping with/managing a LTC.
- Couple-based interventions that focus on improving communication and decision making around the health problem, promoting health behaviour changes and enhancing mutual support.
Currently, the service is not able to offer face to face appointments, all psychological treatment is being delivered by video consultation, over the phone or online.
Contact the Healthy Lifestyle Hub now on 0333 005 0159 or email [email protected] and a specialist advisor will call you back within 3 days.